MV MA 5.18 Lunch Connect Online 1130 est

MV MA 5.18 Lunch Connect Online 1130 est

New Members are welcome and can join and guests will be treated to one free event.

Speaker: Amy Goober


In her newest workshop, “Using Your Voice To Get What Your Want” Action Coach Amy Goober helps women learn how and why to use their voices. In this completely interactive session, women reflect on their own goals and discover how to use their voices to make tangible progress. Amy also helps attendees understand what the voices in their own heads are saying. Women will learn techniques to quiet those negative voices and have more belief in themselves. The bonus is inviting those in the workshop to use their voices to help uplift and support other women!
1) Discover why just having a goal is not enough
2) Learn why using your voice can take you from goal setter to goal getter
3) Uncover how to avoid letting the voices in your head slow you down


Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 05-18-2021 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 05-18-2021 1:30 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 10
Remaining Seats Available 20
Location Zoom Online

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